Thank You for Your Membership
Thank you for financially supporting the Eruv with a membership. To access your donation information, please visit the Donor Dashboard.
The suggested minimum annual donation is $36. This is one of the lowest-cost memberships around, and we have worked very hard to ensure the can keep costs low to keep the membership low. Please keep in mind this is a very important organization to donate to, and if one uses the Eruv, some poskim hold there is a halachic obligation to contribute to the Eruv fund.
Sura Rubenstein
Thanks to everyone who works to keep the Eruv functioning!
Aki and Devora Fleshler
Cong. Kesser Israel
Am Yisrael Chai!
Jonathan Druckman
Yosef Daitchman
Joaquin Espinoza
Gary Fox
Aki Fleshler
Am Yisrael Chai!
Rosanne Lurie
in support of my eruv dwelling community
Jonathan Druckman
Erica Goldman
Peggy Dorf
I am glad to support this important service for the community even though my house is just outside … Read more
I am glad to support this important service for the community even though my house is just outside the boundary.