Running a Kosher Eruv Costs Money

The Portland Eruv Corporation works hard to maintain a kosher Eruv for everyone in our community to be able to carry permitted items outside their homes on Shabbos. If we did not have an Eruv, it would be halachically forbidden to engage in this wonderful convenience.

Our Eruv helps create unity by allowing food to be transported between homes, walking sticks or backpacks to be carried, tallism and siddurim to be brought to Shul, and strollers to be pushed within our community.

Our Eruv requires regular checking by trained individuals with yiras shamayim and knowledge in the halacha. As we live in an area that is subject to wind, ice, rain, sun, construction, and other factors, you can imagine that there are often times when we need to repair, replace, or relocate Eruv boundaries, sometimes on a weekly basis, and sometimes mere hours before Shabbos begins.

Additionally, maintaining a kosher Eruv has a financial cost. We work very hard to minimize our costs and those involved with the Eruv commit numerous hours to ensure it is up.

The suggested minimum annual donation is $50 per household, or $5 monthly. This is less than a monthly cup of coffee, about $1 per Shabbos.

We have worked very hard to ensure the can keep costs to keep membership fees low. Please keep in mind this is a very important organization to donate to, and if one uses the Eruv, some poskim hold there is a halachic obligation to contribute to the Eruv fund.

To make a one-time donation, please fill out the below form. Click here to make a monthly commitment.

The Portland Eruv serves everyone in our community, regardless of their membership status or donation.